McMerry Christmas We're Mc Free

بواسطة DepthsOfTheSea مع UdioMusic



ladies and gentlemen

This is a song I wrote

For all Them Tired McDonalds Employees

That I work With

So I hope You Enjoy

Thank you!


[verse 1]

The Snow Glissens White on The Mountain Top!,

Santa's Slay Is Moving Fast,

It's a McMerry Christmas Once Again!.

There's no....

Beep'n In My ear!

Unlike the rest of the year!

It Fills Me With Glee!

Where I wont have to Be!

It's a McMerry Christmas,

Im McFree!,


There's No

Coming and On The way!

There's No

How Much They'll have to pay!

There's Just,

No Meh Molestes!!!(No Meh Molestes!!!)

I'm McFree!!!!!!


The Snow Glissens white on the mountain top,

The Cars are silent in the parking lot!

And the Grills Are silent In the Back of the shop!

It's A McMerry Christmas




There's no....

Meat's On The Grill!

Oh boy! what A Mcthrill!

There's No Chicken in The McVats!!!

McHat's Off To Thats!

(Uh Yeah Can I get 2 number 9's and number 9 large-) No Meh molestes!!(No Meh Molestes)

