Would you take off your shoes
Would you like some tea?
Yes please, some tea please
Would you take some sugar in your tea?
Yes please, seven sugars
What a wonderful weather!
Yes, water is pouring down hard
Would you take some biscuits with your tea?
Yes please, biscuits would do nicely with a tea
Would you like to hear about Sally?
Yes... Well, no please, I don't want to hear a word about Sally
What a wonderful weather!
Yes, it's a downpour
Would you take a pillow?
No thanks, i'm sitting comfortably
It takes all kinds of folk to make a world
Yes, let's not talk about Sally
What's a downpour anyway?
what does it mean?
To pour down,
rain heavily
Do you like those biscuits?
Yes, these are some nice biscuits
Sally made them
Sally baked these biscuits
Would you like to hear about weather?