Fire Born

Por s3nki con UdioMusic



Born in the flames of a criminal blaze,

My parents' misdeeds cast their unholy haze.

A father, a thief, who robbed without shame,

A mother, a convict, her hands equally stained.


Fire Born, Fire Born,

From the ashes, I was torn.


Abandoned to fend in this world so cruel,

An orphanage hell, where I learned life's cruel rules.

Tormented and beaten, my spirit they tried to break,

But a fierce determination within me awoke.


Fire Born, Fire Born,

I would not be overborne.


Rejecting the path that my parents had trod,

I carved out my own, though rocky and flawed.

No more would I cower, a victim of fate,

I'd rise like a phoenix, my will incandescent.


Fire Born, Fire Born,

No longer would I be torn.


Fire Born, Fire Born,

No longer would I be torn.

No longer would I be torn.


The hardships I faced forged my resolve like steel,

A tempered survivor, my purpose was sealed.

Though the road was uneven, and pitfalls abounded,

My strength from the ashes, forever grounded.


Fire Born, Fire Born,

Fire Born, Fire Born,

My spirit could not be torn.


The scars that I bear are my badges of pride,

Reminders that I am a warrior who survived.

No longer the orphan, the beaten, the small,

I stand tall and defiant, refusing to fall.


Fire Born, Fire Born,

From ashes, I was reborn.

[synthetizator solo]


The path I have chosen is rugged and hard,

But I'll walk it with honor, my soul's battle-scarred.

In the end, I'll prevail, for I'm Fire Born,

From the ashes of hell, into glory reborn.


Fire Born, Fire Born,

Forever I'll be reborn.

Fire Born, Fire Born,

Forever I'll be reborn.

Forever I'll be reborn.