The Creeper

Par LadyK avec UdioMusic


I logged in still a noob at this point. excited to play with life. Shaping the land to fit my needs, It was grand sight.

I was making room in the left corner of my hobbit hole when I took down block dirt to discover a frightful thing. Green faced with two large black eyes staring at me. I have heard of them but hadn’t face them before. I know I had to run for my life. There was no time to build a door.

Creeper creeper creeper.

To my surprise, when I return all was well, my house was standing, no fires or walls to rebuild but I entered my new room. There he still stood waiting for me. Just staring.

Creeper creeper creeper.

He didn't make a noise or walk around, I started to think maybe he was glitched ,so I caught my breath and went back to building my project at hand. Not knowing what was about to go down.

Creeper creeper creeper.

Time past as it always does, and all my rooms were all finished except for one. The dirt wall between my goal and the crazy looking thing still stood there waiting, ever watching from my little hole.

[Chorus] Creeper creeper creeper

I sat there on my newly made chair looking at the beast always over there. What should I do? Just bard the door and call it good. But something to told me that after a time it maybe my doom. So I took my shovel and went at the wall so true.


face to face with this failed pig, shovel in hand, staring right back at it. What was that plan? For the first time he moved a whopply step. I took a deep breath as he executed what he was always meant to do. sending me flying sky high in a explosion two weeks in the making, piece of time and love tossed into sky as little pixel forever lost..

and that’s how I Died… for the first time at least. I will never forget the first time I met the…..


[Chorus] Creeper creeper creeper.

[Chorus] Creeper creeper creeper.

[Chorus] Creeper creeper creeper.
