Smiling and Gleaming

godzilla_6060842님이 작성함 UdioMusic


I was just a young man going out to town, to see if I could find that thing I'd never had.

I was crawling through pubs like a newly grad, trying to find that girl that'd make you go mad.

I walked to the bar to have a good geez, to find that woman who was such a tease.

As I was ordering my first drink something happend that I did not think, that girl I'd been dreaming of was staring at me smiling and gleaming.

That girl I've been dreaming of had me grinnin' ear to ear and my heart was beamin'

I looked her up and down and ow what a sight,

She stood up and came over saved me the hike.

I asked her "hey baby what you want to drink?" And she looked me all cute and said "gin with a touch of lemonade, pink!"

And as we drank and drank the closer we sank, any closer than that the bar tender might want a chat.

That girl I'd been dreaming of was staring at me smiling and gleaming,

That girl I'd Been dreaming of has me grinning ear to ear and my heart was beamin'

We'd had enough and wanted to retire,

back to my place, my abode what I like to call my empire.

I got her coat, her earrings and all of her atire and carried them for her like a true gentlemen or someone she admire. We got out the door and onto the street, now we could properly meet. She grabbed my pants and squeezed real tight, if she gripped any more she'd make you bite!

We got to my home and she was looking alright, with those two huge uhh eyes i didn't want her leaving my site.

She took off her clothes and exposed her huge breasts, then tied back her hair and took some deep breaths.

She was working' on me harder than a brand new dyson, she had enough power to make a man kick harder than a byson.

She was gaggin' for whole seconds before I forecame to the nut,

Unlucky for her, my seed is no good and bad for her gut!

That girl I'd been dreaming of was staring at me smiling and gleaming,

That girl I'd Been dreaming of has me grinning ear to ear and my heart was beamin'

That girl I'd been dreaming of was staring at me smiling and gleaming,

That girl I'd Been dreaming of has me grinning ear to ear and my heart was beamin'

That girl I'd been dreaming of was staring at me smiling and gleaming,

That girl I'd Been dreaming of has me grinning ear to ear and my heart was beamin'

That girl I'd been dreaming of was staring at me smiling and gleaming,

That girl I'd Been dreaming of has me grinning ear to ear and my heart was beamin'