Brothers in arms

Hewhocomes님이 작성함 UdioMusic


One...two... One two three four


Oohuoo oohuoo..

Oohuo oohuo..

Alright!! Check this out... They push and push and push

You can only do so much

Fight! Until you break through

Hold on! There's nothing else to do

Shout it out! From deep inside

No more doubts! Stand with pride


When the world knocks you around

We'll pick you up, won't let you drown

In the chaos, we'll stand our ground

Together strong, we face the storm

In the fire, our hearts stay warm


So scream it out! Don't hold it back

When life's a fight, we'll stay on track

When you're feeling all alone (all alone)

Remember this strength you've always known

In this fight (in this fight), you're not on your own

We'll keep pushing, stone by stone


So scream it out! With all your might

When life's a storm, we'll be the light

When the world holds you down

We'll be there if you fall

When the darkness gets too loud

We'll be there standing tall

And when you're ready to throw down

We've got your back, brothers in arms

(guitar solo) Oohuoo Oohuoo

[Verse 2]

So keep your head held high, don't lose your hope

When you're feeling low, we'll throw you the rope

Rise! Against the tide of fear

With every fall, we persevere

Together loud, our voices strong

In unity, where we belong

[Verse 3]

There's no turning back, the road is clear

We face each challenge, with no fear

Break the chains, let your spirit fly

Together we'll reach the sky


When the shadows start to creep

And the wounds feel way too deep

So scream it out! With all your might

Life's a battle, let's unite

When the night feels too long (too long)

Remember this fire, it keeps you strong

In this war (in this war), you belong

We'll keep marching, won't be wrong


We'll swim through the stormy sea

Navigate through the debris

In the battle, we stand tall

Shoulder to shoulder, we don't fall

[Verse 3]

Keep the flame alive, don't let it die

With every tear, we'll touch the sky