March of Reform ext v1

Zavaldski님이 작성함 UdioMusic


Can’t abide such grave injustice,

For the state of things disgusts us,

Why our leaders cannot trust us,

We can only hope to guess.

All theords, MPs and constables,

In charge are all responsible,

For the many standing obstacles,

In the way of progress.

With enlightened elocution,

Politicians state solutions,

To reform our institutions,

In such ways they can arrange.

But the timely execution,

Of a brand new constitution,

By the people’s revolution,

Is the only way to change!

I will have this protest tested,

So those communists infested,

Will most swiftly be arrested,

So that order is restored.

They will face our retribution,

And their “people's revolution”

Will not steal our institutions,

Or threaten all our lords.

Rise, you prisoners of starvation!

Overcome your segmentation!

They call us an “infestation”,

But most surely are they wrong!

Justice thunders condemnation,

Throughout every land and nation,

For we fight for liberation,

And together we are strong!