Chromed Out Shadows

由 Cockney Entertainment 创作UdioMusic


We servin' bytes in the grey blocks

Robo crew with the stash box

Glowin' eyes in the dusk light

On the grind, yeah, we're streetwise

Silicon bags, they fly

Cashin' codes just to get by

Metal hearts in the flash life

Rusty dreams, gotta hustle tight

Circuits buzz, dodge the raindrop

Chrome and concrete, moving nonstop

Tech dreams in the chip smog

Hustle bytes, yeah, we bootlog

Neon souls keeping low watch

Mind the drones, out for the cop bots

Decrypt lock, snatch the green crop

Silent whispers through the gridlock

Heat the stash, make the heart swap

Artificial life, but we never stop

Code runners in the underpass

Chalking bits, life's a bypass

Street charge in our power cells

Keepin' low from the sentinel spells

Byte runners in this concrete maze

Stealing moments from the pixel haze

Drop the veil in an electric mist

Cyber shadows where the dealers twist

Hard-wired dreams on a neon tray

Breaking silence in the binary ballet

Flashing lights where the circuit flows

Lurking deep where the motherboard grows

Dealin' gigs in the back of the blocks

Glitch kings, hard knocks in the paradox

Hazy clouds as the beats drop

Tech savvy when the servers lock

Up all night, never see the sun

Hustle memories, every byte we won

Slingin' terabytes 'til the deal's done

Robo-hoodlums under neon stun

Flicker screens, keep the stealth mode tight

Cashin' bitcoin 'til the wallet's right