Guardian of the Cosmos ext v2.2.2

由 Brotron2000 创作UdioMusic


In the not too distant future

in the void of outer space

There's a robot demon on patrol

To protect ev-er-y race

Brotron two thousand

Has never lost a fight

But there's a challenge on the horizon

So now he just might

He senses a great pow-er

Coming from the milky way

He doesn't know What he future holds

But he's prepared for judgment day

Brotron two thousand

Charges his laser cannon arm

Brotron two thousand

Takes shelter among the stars

He can see his foe clearly now

And it's John de rocket Mon

He is know across the universe

And possibly beyond.

Brotron two thousand

Takes aim to seal John's fate

But brotron two thousand

For a moment hesitates

Brotron uses his robot eyes

To scan rocket Mons blood

But what he finds surprises him

It's a heart so John can love.

John de rocket Mon has a heart so he can love

A heart so he can love

A heart so he can love